Sunday, August 28, 2011

What a Crappy Day

Rain in the AM but windy, hot, & overcast now.  Guess it would be worse in NY or Mass.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The week that was

All in All it has been a pretty crappy week. Sick on Monday, recovering on Tuesday, remove tooth by surgery on Wednesday , Recovering on Oxycodone Thursday, And Today well lets just say it has been a challange to stay composed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring on my 62nd birthday?

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Who woulda thought it? Hurricane Irene heading into New York as we bask in the sunshine?

Re: Hot time in the city

Friday afternoon, 92F in Tampa Bay with NW winds from Irene. Got Grandson Ethan working on bamboo plantings with Nana aka Gina.

Retooled Blog

Decided to combine my blog with all the events in my life not just the boating related ones.  To that end I have removed my Tortugajim Facebook Account as well.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Been awhile since I made a blog but have been keeping updates on Twitter.  Anyway have had 3 showings on Genesis but have decided if it doesn’t sell not to renew listing.  We will add a camper canvas to cockpit and a diesel generator.  Then Gina will take a live aboard sail course and she promised to let me head south after Hurricane season.


My birthday sail next weekend will be on hold due to Tropical  Storm soon to be Hurricane Irene but plans on for Labor day at Longboat.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Longboat Next Weekend?

No sooner planned that Tropical Storm Emily formed.  Wait & See